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Does your home feel too suffocating to you nowadays?

Here are my quick tips:

1. Add more indoor plants into the equation

(w/ space-saving vase/pot that can be hanged)

2. Upgrade your furniture into a sleek, modern style.

3. Put on lighter wallpaper/paint and window shades

(The whiter, the better)

4. Increase indoor lighting

Add white/daylight tint bulbs (but mind the quantity because you don’t want to add a lot of heat)

5. Regulate your indoor temperature

Opening a single window is not enough, there should be a circulation–so opening a door or another window wouldn’t hurt. (Or you can leave the bathroom exhaust on as your last resort); Turn-off airconditioning from time to time because it is necessary to bring in fresh air inside. Crack open a window 10 minutes daily should suffice.

6. Improve air quality

Plants are good enough but adding air purifiers w/ ionizers is better but stay away from ozone generators because they’re not environment-friendly.

7. If these steps still don’t work, I think the best way for you is to decide if it’s time for you to purchase a new home. The pricier it gets, the least crowded it is for you. But it’ll definite be worth it in the long run.

Here are some premium Ayala Land Premier condos for you to look as a reference point.

Gardencourt Residences – Arca South Taguig
The Residences at Azuela Cove – Davao
Arbor Lanes – Arca South Taguig

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